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CASES (en) › Aurora Alimentos | Cooperative


Aurora Alimentos | Case

Neokohm | Sua Carga na Temperatura Certa Aurora Alimentos | Case To ensure the quality in the transport, the giant of food business, Aurora Alimentos, cooperative with more than 50 years of history and more than 100 thousand families associated,...

To ensure the quality in the transport, the giant of food business, Aurora Alimentos, cooperative with more than 50 years of history and more than 100 thousand families associated, was the first to use Neokohm solutions and technology.

Extremely, worried about food safety, Aurora Alimentos uses Neokohm technology in its entire logistic operation of feedstock, where at least once, the products are scanned by our temperature control system, letting a superior efficiency of 92% in every shipping. That way the food safety is guaranteed, along with the color and the taste of the products, with of course a better customer experience.

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